Thursday, February 11, 2016

Week 5 Prompt

I have always liked reading book reviews because once I see a title that looks appealing, I look to the synopsis and book reviews to see if it is something I would like to read sometime in the future.  To my experience, the best kind of book reviews are the ones that are short, sweet, and to the point.  I do not like to read ones that pretty much give away the book.  Reviews, like  the Kirkus Review, and Library Journal are ones I look at, as well as reading off of Goodreads and Amazon. 

There are times when one book gets so many reviews and others don't and I think that is a little unfair because in my experience, the ones who do not get many reviews are some of the really good books.  It is understandable why one book gets so many reviews, usually that is when it is turned into a motion picture.  It can affect the library collection too because the ones who are the most talked about are the ones patrons would want to read and that can lead to waiting lists and interlibrary loans.  Also, if there is a book that is not popular, it can mean the library staff can weed out that book and replace it with new books that are popular to patrons as well as newly published books.

There are some websites who will not print negative comments.  In a way, it is to make sure people do not disregard them.  I personally think people should have a right to read negative comments because if it is really a bad book, then people can look for something else.  It all depends on the person because there are some who like certain genres.  We all have different reading styles and we should have a right to see whether there are people who like or dislike a certain book.


  1. I agree with you, I tend to like the more concise book reviews that do not spoil the book. The Kirkus Review is nice because the first couple of sentences can turn you off or ignite interest, then you get to decide to read further. Moreover, the site's willingness to post the less savory aspects and flaws in a book is appealing so that I do not waste my time on a book I may not like.

    Also, you highlight a very valid point about the relation of a book's popularity and ILL wait times. I waited F.O.R.E.V.E.R. for The Martian before I received it using ILL. This is definitely a drawback to the "over-reviewing" of certain popular titles.

  2. Same here. I hate the reviews that pretty much spoil the book. So how was The Martian? Was it worth the wait?

  3. I agree with you that people have a right to read negative reviews. But, as I mentioned in my post I don't think that a reader needs to look at bad reviews to tell if a book will suit them or note. I think I well written review, negative or positive is going to provide the information necessary to determine what the book contains and who might like reading it. I still agree though that negative reviews should still be available.

  4. Wonderful prompt response! Full points!
