The next book in the series would be The Lunatic Café. I looked at Goodreads because there you can type in the author and it can list the novels she has written as well as mentioning of any of the books belong to a particular series.
2. What have I read recently? Well, I just finished this great book by Barbara Kingsolver, Prodigal Summer. I really liked the way it was written, you know, the way she used language. I wouldn't mind something a bit faster paced though.
One book you could enjoy is Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale, or Toni Morrison's Beloved. I checked this on Amazon in order to read people's comments and whether they enjoyed it or not. It even lists other books if they enjoyed one of the books mentioned. Both are fast paced and have the same language use.
3. I like reading books set in different countries. I just read one set in China, could you help me find one set in Japan? No, not modern – historical. I like it when the author describes it so much it feels like I was there!
John W. Dower's Embracing Defeat is a good book, as well as Laura Joh Rowlands's The Shogun's Daughter. Each of these books was found on Goodreads Japanese History Literature genre. Both are considered historical fiction and have received great reviews from readers.
4. I read this great mystery by Elizabeth George called Well-Schooled in Murder and I loved it. Then my dentist said that if I liked mysteries I would probably like John Sandford, but boy was he creepy I couldn't finish it! Do you have any suggestions?

5. My husband has really gotten into zombies lately. He’s already read The Walking Dead and World War Z, is there anything else you can recommend?
Similar to number 4, one book could be Mira Grant's Deadline, or maybe Rhiannon Frater's Fighting to Survive. Both of these books deal with zombies and they are horror novels, so they may be fun to read, as well has gotten good reviews from those who have read them.
*As you can see, I could not use NoveList, so instead, I used mostly Goodreads and Amazon, which are the two sites I use the most when it comes to looking for other novels to read.
Despite not using NoveList, we actually found similar suggestions--especially with the Zombie question. I think that common ground speaks to the effectiveness of all these resources: NoveList, Amazon and Goodreads. I also enjoyed seeing your suggestions for Japanese historicals--I hadn't considered including non-fiction. I struggled a bit with the suggestions NoveList provided because they didn't seem to fit my idea of what I was looking for: a book more like The Shogun's Daughter.
ReplyDeleteMy library doesn't have Novelist either so I make do with goodreads and many other free RA resources, you did a great job utilizing other resources to find good recommendations!